
Chris Wills

Devon pin host

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Meet your pin host

Hi Everyone! I’m Chris Wills and I’m pleased to be your host for the Devon pin Meeting which takes place on the 4th Thursday of the month.

I am the owner of Edgemoor Properties Ltd and co-owner of WSM Property Group with my friend and we have been investing in property since 2020. In that time, we’ve created a portfolio worth circa £4m and I have undergone the 12-month Property Mastermind Programme where I was voted the Top Performer overall for my achievements throughout the 12 months.

We invest in BTLs, HMOs and more recently Commercial to Residential developments as well as commercial properties both to hold on to or sell on the open market.

pin has allowed me to build the life of my dreams and take a step back from the corporate world of employment whilst building a legacy for my family.

I’m a firm believer that success comes from dedication, hard work and never losing site of the end goal. All of the that is coupled with building a world class network which I’ve managed to do through pin and I urge others who are thinking about making a positive change in their life to attend a pin meeting.

The meeting is filled with a wealth of experience from complete beginners through to those who’ve been in the game for more than 3 decades. Everyone is welcome to attend and build from the great network in the room.

You have nothing to lose, but perhaps everything to gain.

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